Thursday, July 16, 2015

Social Media at the Moment 

 I will admit that I have an opinion about almost everything and this particular topic is no different

Basically there are a lot of things floating around the internet that frankly piss me off. I want to keep this short as because it is very late and I need sleep, so therefor I will not go into too much detail. But there are people out there are just plain flat out rude about things that go on in this world. I get it, you are entitled to your opinion and therefore are able to say whatever you want. I don't have a problem with the opinion per-say although there are many which i disagree with. I particularity have a problem in which these people go about expressing their opinion.

There are a basic set of morals that a lot of people go without these days, and in this set of morals is the one where you shouldnt make people feel like shit about themselves all the time. It's just something you shouldnt do. 

If you decide that you dont like something or someone thats totally fine but the way you go about expressing this, should be in a way that gets your point across without attacking the person. What you see of that person may not be how that person truly is , seeing a picture, post or anything similar that you dont like from that person and judging the character of that person is just flat out wrong. 

I could sit here all night and say the most horrible things about others because of something they have posted on twitter or Facebook but I don't because I do not truly know who those people are and therefore have no true idea about what they have going on in their true lives, not the ones that they choose to post onto the internet.

I am sorry that this became somewhat of a ranty post, I also apologize for all the grammatical errors but it is late and i really do not what to edit this out, 

Moral of this post, Dont judge a person from something they have posted on the  internet.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Am I a Bitch?

Okay, so I'm going to level with you, I can sometimes come of as what some people would call a bitch. That's okay, I've come to accept that and have embraced it as part of myself. But there are times where people are so ignorant that I can't help but be a little more bitchy. That's life right?

So I'm about to tell a story and it's completely true, although the names of the people have been changed (because I'm not a total bitch ;)) 

Anyways on with the story. As I have stated in  First Blog Post I am 17 years old about to turn 18, to most people that means that you are still in high school. This is true in my case, in fact I am a senior. I was sitting in my World Geography class, when another student asked a question. She didn't point the question directly at anyone, rather the whole room, which other than myself has about 5 other people in it. The question was and I quote "What is the difference between tapioca pudding and rice pudding?" Now I will be completely honest I could have cared less about the question, it really had nothing to do with the class and therefore nothing to do with me. But the other girl in the class, lets call her Avery, decided it was her job to educate on the subject. No problem, like I said I don't really care. That is until Avery  opened her mouth and completely blotched the whole explanation. She said that the difference was that tapioca pudding is tapioca. What! Well duh they wouldn't call it that otherwise. 

This is the point where I jump in because the other girl looked so completely confused and I knew the true answer. I told her that in tapioca pudding the only thing that makes it tapioca is the little balls in it, or tapioca. without it the pudding would just be vanilla. Then I went on to explain that rice pudding is pudding with rice in it. 

Apparently this was the wrong thing to do because the next thing I know Avery has lost her head. She started to scream at me saying that she didn't need the explanation and that she knew what tapioca pudding is she's not stupid after all.

Did I once call her stupid? I thought this was a very dignified way to explain something. No she is not stupid but she is clearly Ignorant when it comes to some things.

Avery went on to say something along the lines of " I'm not stupid but thanks for the explanation" all bitchy like. 
So looked her straight in the eye and said " You're welcome". 

So now I have a question, does this make me a bitch for correcting her, even if I tried to be dignified about it? 

How about you? Do you have any stories like this one? If so I would like to read them. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hi! and about me


Nice to meet you all. My name is Lacey.
I thought I would start this off with a little information about myself. So how about 10 facts?

1. I am a senior

2. I have three siblings

3. My best friend is Dallas and she has her own blog

4. I live in a very small town

5. My birthday is February 9th

6. I have suffered from chronic migraines for about 5 years now

7. I make the best cheesecake [ I like to believe]

8. Eating chocolate is a life style

9. I happen to live off Netflix and Hulu

10. I can't stand fake people